I'll tell you what happens: the elders will call the branch office. The branch office then tells them what's written in their official correspondence guidelines.
It says you should dress and act as your biological gender. They leave no room to choose how you identify yourself.
They don't care about your feelings. They are appalled by your 'mutilating' surgery.
Sorry, but you're in for some heartbreaking...
Quote official JW branch correspondence guidelines:
If an individual considers undergoing a sex-change operation basically to bring the appearance of the sex organs into line with what the individuale emotionally and mentally feels himself or herself to be, that one should be advised to live in accord with the biological facts of the situation. (w97 6/15 18-19; w74 6/15 360) Mutilating the sex organs, such as having the male organ surgically removed and an artificial female organ created, does not change the facts or make the person into the opposite sex. Someone desiring to be baptized who has already undergone a mutilating operation of this sort (a transsexual) would be expected to take his or her place in life in accord with what the individual biologically is, not in accord with what the person has been mutilated to appear to be. This may even require that the person leave a “mate” to whom the person is “married,” since the mutilated one is actually (biologically) of the same sex as the “mate.”
An individual who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex, practicing transvestism, should be helped to see that this is Scripturally condemned and may be related to homosexuality. (Deut.22:5; Ps. 26:4) It is a moral problem for which strong counsel is definitely needed. If the acts of the individual take on a gross aspect because of being publicly displayed, this can be reason for disfellowshipping, since such conduct can be loose, brazen conduct.—Gal. 5:19; w739/15 5746.